Pickle and Pearl

A very enjoyable, entertaining selection of the adventures of two onions! Our thanks go out to Walter, who has graciously volunteered to keep us up to date on these two. On this blog, the most recent post is at the top!

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Location: Stittsville, Ontario, Canada

Old enough to know better!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

School days?

"We (meaning I) Pickle did not like the issue of 14 May 2007, as it conjured up a picture of us being school children in your strange and at times stupid school system". This sentiment was passed to me too late to stop the story being published in the annals. (No, I'm right, it shouldn't be anals). So, to set matters right here is the picture that should have been posted over three years ago for the satisfaction of Pickle and Pearl. If they have computers on Ascalonia I hope they can see this and be content. I see no reason why they can't send me a message.


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