Pickle and Pearl

A very enjoyable, entertaining selection of the adventures of two onions! Our thanks go out to Walter, who has graciously volunteered to keep us up to date on these two. On this blog, the most recent post is at the top!

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Location: Stittsville, Ontario, Canada

Old enough to know better!

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Virgins

Subject:- Modern Art, so called because it does not follow any traditional rules for producing paintings with a meaning or message, just like 'modern' music! An oxymoron if ever I heard one. Pickle saw this work by the Austrian painter Gustav Klimt in an art gallery in Prague and his only thought was "in this puzzle picture, how many faces can one find?". Klimt called the painting "The Virgins" though what that has to do with the subject matter is what makes it a puzzle picture. As the 'guide' remarked, the similarity to minimalist or 'modern' music is marked, notes that were written by a composer who would love to be able to write music if only they could!


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