Pickle and Pearl

A very enjoyable, entertaining selection of the adventures of two onions! Our thanks go out to Walter, who has graciously volunteered to keep us up to date on these two. On this blog, the most recent post is at the top!

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Location: Stittsville, Ontario, Canada

Old enough to know better!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Pickle:- "After having searched through the antiquities for signs of a peaceful race and finding none we have returned to the twentieth century and 1914, the start of world war one, the war to end all wars, where patriotism was the order of the day and young men were conned into fighting the 'develish' Hun. Fat lot of good it did, there have been numerous wars since then, some big, some small but all disastrous for mankind. Now", continued Pickle,"we are back in Stittsville to participate in the season of goodwill and peace? and the giving of useless presents and the decorating of pagan trees and the loading of credit cards with a great debt that has to be paid some day. AS the French say in English, "The more things change, the more they stay the same".


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