Pickle and Pearl

A very enjoyable, entertaining selection of the adventures of two onions! Our thanks go out to Walter, who has graciously volunteered to keep us up to date on these two. On this blog, the most recent post is at the top!

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Location: Stittsville, Ontario, Canada

Old enough to know better!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Black and White and green all over

I would surmise that some of my faithful readers will by now be sick of all the snow. Well, maybe not both of you but I thought you might appreciate a picture this week with no snow in it. In fact, the time is midsummer, don't you wish, but about forty years ago. I (the 'guide') had to do a bit of tarting up as the original picture is black and white which shows you how long ago it was. Actually I was inspired by watching "Midsomer Murders" on the box in which a conflict arises between a traditional black and white film photo. club and the yobbos who wave digitally altered photos around. (What am I saying, I have a digital camera!)


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