Pickle and Pearl

A very enjoyable, entertaining selection of the adventures of two onions! Our thanks go out to Walter, who has graciously volunteered to keep us up to date on these two. On this blog, the most recent post is at the top!

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Location: Stittsville, Ontario, Canada

Old enough to know better!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Orders is orders.

I (the 'guide') see that Pickle and Pearl have taken to their spaceship and my shortwave radio tells me that they are communicating with their home planet. Copying the transmission gives me "hdusbrmb .. jdusye... but of course, I must let the Universal Translator give you the text in English.
"Calling Ascalonia".
"New orders, Come in 96, your time is up, you've been swanning around the planet for four years and now it is time to return home".
(Pearl, aside "but I don't want to go", Pickle aside, "We have to")
"We hear you and we will start packin'. We wanted to bring souvenirs such as the Parthenon but we couldn't get it in the ship. We will be ready to move in a few days, Out".


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